Sunday, February 7, 2010


My result was declared last week. I my GPA was 5 out of 6. I got O(outstanding) in 4 subjects…I m loner in d class who got O in Economics

In spite of this I don’t feel much happy…I really don’t know d exact reason but I don’t feel elated anymore if I excel in studies…I guess d reason may be my bleak past. I think dat I still not got over this…I feel lack of inspiration to study. I find out lot hard to do regular study. I struggle within myself…

Well one of my friend in M. Sc. who scored above 90% in Graduation…this time failed in one of d subject…since he failed in only one subject he was eligible for retest (second life). And what I heard he is quite confident dat this time he will return victorious…

WHERE R V GOING? A guy who is capable of topping d chart find it difficult to clear d subject n retest in same subject gives chance to go forward…what was he doin all d time? He knew already 3 months back when his final exam was…n if I talked about RETEST… u hav 2 follow all d procedure… first u hav 2 apply for retest to d concerned prof n if he gives green signal then retest will conduct in next 3-4 days…. I guess month’s time is lot more than just 3-4days…

This thing happened wid one of d scholar student, what will a normal student do ?
When this happens I lost my faith in this education system…
Ø GPA- Grade Point Average


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. hello dear.....
    It's gr8 acheivement to get 'O' in 4 sub.
    Congrats man!

    Every-one need reason, inspiration for study..
    We r always follow ur line, way as inspiration, but what's up bro? why u feel lack of inspiration? past is like guide, it help us which way are goes to wrong direction. Not neccessory our past may glorious, remember 'NEHRU LETTER to INDIRA' about past?

    So my brother u r FIGHTER..
    Wish u best luck!!!


  3. hey hi nachiket.... Nice to hear that you got O... but I completely agree that these Grading Point sucks... The world somehow judge the one by grade.. it's disappointment..// Pramod S. Nikam
